- Article 15
- 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have the supreme juridical force, direct action and shall be used on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.2. The bodies of state authority, the bodies of local self-government, officials, private citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws. 3. Laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be used. Any normative legal acts concerning human rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen may not be used, if they are not officially published for general knowledge. 4. The universally-recognized norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation shall be a component part of its legal system. If an international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation fixes other rules than those envisaged by law, the rules of the international agreement shall be applied. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 15[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 15[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 15[/ref]>
The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary. 2014.